An 'X' in the P column indicates a vote where a Representatives vote differs from the vote of the majority of their Party.
Vote Number | Vote | P | Date | Issue | Question | Result | Description |
1 | Present | 27-Jan | QUORUM | Call of the House | P | ||
2 | Nay | 28-Jan | H RES 341 | On Motion to Table | P | Relating to a question of the privileges of the House. | |
3 | Nay | 4-Feb | H RES 344 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 2625, to redesignate Washington National Airport as Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport | |
4 | Yea | 4-Feb | H R 2625 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Davis of Virginia Amendment | |
5 | Yea | 4-Feb | H R 2625 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | To Redesignate Washington National Airport as Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. | |
6 | Nay | 4-Feb | H R 2625 | On Passage | P | To Redesignate Washington National Airport as Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. | |
7 | Yea | X | 4-Feb | H J RES 107 | On Passage | P | A Resolution Concerning Attorneys Fees, Costs, and Sanctions Payable by the White House Health Care Task Force |
8 | Nay | 5-Feb | H RES 348 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 2846 | |
9 | Yea | X | 5-Feb | H R 2846 | On Passage | P | Prohibition on Federal Education Funds on National Testing |
10 | Yea | 5-Feb | H R 2631 | Passage, Objections of the President Notwithstanding | P | Disapproving the cancellations on Military Construction | |
11 | No Vote | 5-Feb | QUORUM | Call of the House | P | ||
12 | Nay | 11-Feb | H RES 352 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of motions to suspend the rules. | |
13 | Yea | 11-Feb | H CON RES 202 | Suspend the rules and agree, as amended | P | Daycare Fairness for Stay-At-Home Parents | |
14 | Yea | 12-Feb | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
15 | Yea | 12-Feb | H RES 355 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Dismissing the election contest against Loretta Sanchez | |
16 | Yea | 12-Feb | H RES 355 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Dismissing the election contest against Loretta Sanchez | |
17 | Nay | 12-Feb | H R 1428 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | F | Voter Eligibility Verification Act | |
18 | Nay | X | 24-Feb | H R 424 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | To provide for increased mandatory minimum sentences for criminals possessing firearms, and for other purposes. |
19 | Nay | X | 25-Feb | H R 1544 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Nadler of New York Amendment |
20 | Nay | X | 25-Feb | H R 2181 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Conyers of Michigan amendment |
21 | Yea | 25-Feb | H R 2181 | On Passage | P | Witness Protection and Interstate Relocation Act | |
22 | Nay | X | 25-Feb | H R 1544 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Jackson-Lee of Texas Amendment |
23 | Nay | X | 25-Feb | H R 1544 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | jackson-Lee of Texas amendment |
24 | Yea | X | 25-Feb | H R 1544 | On Passage | P | Federal Agency Compliance Act |
25 | Yea | 26-Feb | H R 2460 | On Passage | P | Wireless Telephone Protection Act | |
26 | Yea | 3-Mar | H R 217 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Homeless Housing Programs Consolidation and Flexibility Act | |
27 | Yea | 4-Mar | H RES 376 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 856; U.S.- Puerto Rico Political Status Act | |
28 | Nay | 4-Mar | H R 856 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Gutierrez of Illinois Amendment | |
29 | Yea | 4-Mar | H R 856 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Burton of Indiana Substitute Amendment | |
30 | Yea | 4-Mar | H R 856 | On Agreeing to the Amendment, as amended | A | Solomon of New York Amendment, as amended | |
31 | Present | 4-Mar | QUORUM | Call in Committee | P | ||
32 | Nay | 4-Mar | H R 856 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Serrano of New York amendment | |
33 | Nay | 4-Mar | H R 856 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Stearns of Florida Amendment | |
34 | Nay | 4-Mar | H R 856 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Barr of Georgia Amendment | |
35 | Nay | 4-Mar | H R 856 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Gutierrez of Illinois Amendment | |
36 | Yea | 4-Mar | H R 856 | On agreeing to the amendment, as amended | A | Solomon of New York Amendment, As Amended | |
37 | Nay | X | 4-Mar | H R 856 | On Passage | P | United States - Puerto Rico Political Status Act |
38 | Yea | 5-Mar | H R 2369 | On Passage | P | Wireless Privacy Enhancement Act | |
39 | Yea | 5-Mar | H R 3130 | On Passage | P | Child Support Performance Act of 1998 | |
40 | Yea | 10-Mar | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
41 | Yea | 10-Mar | H CON RES 206 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Permitting the use of the rotunda of the Capitol for a ceremony as part of the commemmeration of the days of remembrance of victims of the Holocaust. | |
42 | Yea | 10-Mar | S 419 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | To provide surveillance, research, and services aimed at prevention of birth defects, and for other purposes. | |
43 | Nay | 11-Mar | H RES 383 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 1432 | |
44 | Nay | 11-Mar | H R 1432 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Waters of California Amendment | |
45 | No Vote | 11-Mar | H R 1432 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Bereuter of Nebraska Amendment, As Modified | |
46 | Yea | 11-Mar | H R 1432 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | African Growth and Opportunity Act | |
47 | Nay | 11-Mar | H R 1432 | On Passage | P | African Growth and Opportunity Act | |
48 | Yea | 12-Mar | H RES 384 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 2883 | |
49 | Nay | X | 12-Mar | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | |
50 | Nay | 12-Mar | H R 2883 | On Passage | P | Government Performance and Results Act Technical Amendments | |
51 | Nay | X | 12-Mar | H R 992 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Watt of North Carolina Substitute Amendment |
52 | Yea | X | 12-Mar | H R 992 | On Passage | P | Tucker Act Shuffle Relief Act |
53 | Yea | 17-Mar | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
54 | Yea | 17-Mar | H RES 364 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Human Rights Situation in the Peoples Republic of China | |
55 | Yea | 17-Mar | H RES 361 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended | P | Calling for Free and Impartial Elections in Cambodia | |
56 | Yea | 18-Mar | H CON RES 152 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, As Amended | P | Expressing the sense of the Congress that all parties to the multiparty peace talks regarding Northern Ireland should condemn violence and fully integrate internationally recognized human rights standards and adequately address outstanding human rights violations as part of the peace process | |
57 | Yea | 18-Mar | H CON RES 235 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, As Amended | P | Calling for an end to the violent repression of the legitimate rights of the people of Kosova | |
58 | Yea | X | 18-Mar | H CON RES 227 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | F | Directing the President to Remove United States Armed Forces from the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina |
59 | Yea | 19-Mar | H RES 388 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 2870; Tropical Forest Conservation Act | |
60 | Yea | 19-Mar | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
61 | Yea | 19-Mar | H R 2870 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Gilman of New York amendment | |
62 | Yea | 19-Mar | H R 2870 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Vento of Minnesota amendments (en bloc) | |
63 | Yea | 19-Mar | H R 2870 | On Passage | P | Tropical Forest Conservation Act | |
64 | Yea | 24-Mar | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
65 | Yea | 24-Mar | H R 3211 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Arlington National Cemetery Burial Eligibility Act | |
66 | Yea | 24-Mar | H R 3412 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | SBIC Technical Corrections Act | |
67 | Yea | 24-Mar | H R 3096 | On Passage | P | Federal Employees Compensation Technical Correction | |
68 | Nay | X | 25-Mar | H R 2589 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | McCollum (FL) Amendment to Sensenbrenner Amendment |
69 | Yea | X | 25-Mar | H R 2589 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin Amendment |
70 | Yea | 25-Mar | H R 2578 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Pombo of California Amendment | |
71 | Yea | 25-Mar | H R 2578 | On Passage | P | Visa Waiver Pilot Program | |
72 | Yea | 26-Mar | H R 3310 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Kucinich of Ohio Amendment | |
73 | Nay | 26-Mar | H R 3310 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | McIntosh of Indiana Amendment | |
74 | Nay | 26-Mar | H R 3310 | On Passage | P | Small Business Paperwork Reduction Act Amendments | |
75 | Yea | X | 26-Mar | H RES 385 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving points of order against the conference report on H.R. 1757, State Department Authorization |
76 | Nay | 26-Mar | H RES 393 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 3246 | |
77 | Yea | 26-Mar | H R 3246 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Goodling of Pennsylvania Amendment | |
78 | Nay | 26-Mar | H R 3246 | On Passage | P | Fairness for Small Business and Employees Act | |
79 | Nay | X | 27-Mar | H R 2515 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Boehlert of New York Amendment to Smith of Oregon |
80 | Yea | X | 27-Mar | H R 2515 | On Passage | F | Forest Recovery and Protection Act |
81 | Nay | 30-Mar | H R 3581 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | F | Campaign Reform and Election Integrity Act of 1998 | |
82 | Yea | 30-Mar | H R 34 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Illegal Foreign Contributions Act of 1998 | |
83 | Nay | 30-Mar | H R 2608 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | F | Paycheck Protection Act | |
84 | Yea | 30-Mar | H R 3582 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Campaign Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1998 | |
85 | Nay | 31-Mar | H RES 402 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 3579; Emergency Appropriations for F.Y. 1998 | |
86 | Yea | 31-Mar | MOTION | Motion For A Secret Session | F | ||
87 | Yea | 31-Mar | H R 3579 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Emergency Supplemental Appropriations, FY 1998 | |
88 | Nay | 31-Mar | H R 3579 | On Passage | P | Emergency Supplemental Appropriations, FY 1998 | |
89 | Present | 31-Mar | QUORUM | Call of the House | P | ||
90 | Yea | 1-Apr | H RES 405 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 2400; Surface Transportation and Equity Act | |
91 | Nay | 1-Apr | H CON RES 257 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providiing for an adjournment of the two Houses | |
92 | Yea | 1-Apr | H R 1151 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Credit Union Membership Access Act | |
93 | Nay | 1-Apr | H R 2400 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Roukema of New Jersey amendment | |
94 | Yea | 1-Apr | H R 2400 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Davis of Illinois amendment | |
95 | Nay | 1-Apr | H R 2400 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Graham of South Carolina Amendment | |
96 | Yea | X | 1-Apr | H R 2400 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Spratt of South Carolina Substitute Amendment |
97 | Nay | 1-Apr | H R 2400 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Kasich of Ohio Substitute Amendment | |
98 | Yea | 1-Apr | H R 2400 | On Passage | P | Building Efficient Surface Transportation and Equity Act | |
99 | Present | 21-Apr | QUORUM | Call of the House | P | ||
100 | Yea | 21-Apr | H R 3565 | Suspend the rules and pass | P | Care for Police Survivors Act | |
101 | Yea | 21-Apr | H R 3528 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Alternative Dispute Resolution Act | |
102 | Nay | 22-Apr | H J RES 111 | On Passage | F | Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of the United States with Respect to Tax Limitations | |
103 | Nay | X | 23-Apr | H R 1252 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Delahunt of Massachusetts Amendment |
104 | Nay | X | 23-Apr | H R 1252 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Jackson-Lee of Texas Amendment |
105 | Yea | 23-Apr | H R 1252 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Delay of Texas amendment | |
106 | Yea | 23-Apr | H R 1252 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Lofgren of California amendment | |
107 | Nay | X | 23-Apr | H R 1252 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Conyers of Michigan Amendment |
108 | Yea | X | 23-Apr | H R 1252 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Aderholt of Alabama Amendment |
109 | Nay | X | 23-Apr | H R 3579 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | F | Emergency Supplemental Appropriations, FY 1998 |
110 | Yea | 28-Apr | H CON RES 218 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended | P | Urgent Need to Establish a Cease Fire in Afghanistan | |
111 | Yea | 28-Apr | S CON RES 37 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Recognize International Character of Little League Baseball, Inc. | |
112 | Yea | 28-Apr | H J RES 102 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Fiftieth Anniversary of the Founding of the Modern State of Israel | |
113 | Nay | X | 29-Apr | H R 3717 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Prohibit Federal Funds for Needle Distribution Programs |
114 | Yea | X | 29-Apr | H R 3717 | On Passage | P | Prohibit Federal Funds for Needle Distribution Programs |
115 | Yea | 29-Apr | H R 3546 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | National Dialogue on Social Security and establishment of Bipartisan Panel to Design Long-Range Social Security Reform. | |
116 | Yea | 29-Apr | H R 3546 | On Passage | P | National Dialogue on Social Security and establishment of Bipartisan Panel to Design Long-Range Social Security Reform. | |
117 | Nay | 30-Apr | H RES 413 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of S. 1502; District of Columbia Student Opportunity Scholarship Act | |
118 | Yea | 30-Apr | S 1502 | On motion to commit | F | District of Columbia Student Opportunity Scholarship Act | |
119 | Nay | 30-Apr | S 1502 | On Passage | P | District of Columbia Student Opportunity Scholarship Act | |
120 | Nay | 30-Apr | H RES 414 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving a requirement of clause 4(b) of rule XI with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules | |
121 | Yea | X | 30-Apr | H R 3579 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Emergency Supplemental Appropriations, FY 1998 |
122 | Nay | 5-May | H R 6 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Paul of Texas Amendment | |
123 | Nay | X | 5-May | H R 6 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Owens of New York Amendment |
124 | Yea | 5-May | H R 6 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | McGovern of Massachusetts Amendment | |
125 | Yea | 5-May | H CON RES 220 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended | P | Regarding American Victims of Terrorism | |
126 | Yea | 5-May | H RES 267 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended | P | Combat Use of Illegal Drugs by the Nationss Youth | |
127 | Yea | X | 6-May | H R 1872 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Morella of Maryland amendment |
128 | Yea | X | 6-May | H R 1872 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Tauzin of Louisiana amendment |
129 | Nay | X | 6-May | H R 1872 | On Passage | P | Communication Satellite Competition and Privatization Act |
130 | Yea | 6-May | H R 6 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Roemer of Indiana Amendment | |
131 | Yea | 6-May | H R 6 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Miller of California amendment | |
132 | Yea | 6-May | H R 6 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Stupak of Michigan amendment | |
133 | Nay | 6-May | H R 6 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Riggs of California amendment | |
134 | Nay | 6-May | H R 6 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Campbell of California amendment | |
135 | Yea | 6-May | H R 6 | On Passage | P | Higher Education Amendments of 1998 | |
136 | Nay | X | 7-May | H R 2646 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | F | Education Savings Act for Public and Private Schools |
137 | Yea | 7-May | H R 3694 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Sanders of Vermont amendment | |
138 | Yea | 12-May | H RES 423 | Suspend the rules and agree | P | War on Drugs to Protect Children | |
139 | Yea | 12-May | H R 3811 | Suspend the rules and pass | P | Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act | |
140 | Yea | 12-May | H R 2829 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant Act of 1997 | |
141 | Yea | 12-May | H RES 422 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Honoring Slain Law Enforcement Officers | |
142 | Yea | 13-May | H RES 428 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 10; Financial Services Competition Act | |
143 | Yea | 13-May | H R 10 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Bliley of Virginia Amendment | |
144 | Nay | X | 13-May | H R 10 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | LaFalce of New York Amendment |
145 | Yea | X | 13-May | H R 10 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Baker of Louisiana Amendment |
146 | Yea | X | 13-May | H R 10 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Leach of Iowa substitute amendment |
147 | Yea | X | 13-May | H R 10 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Roukema of New Jersey amendment, as amended |
148 | Yea | 13-May | H R 10 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Kingston of Georgia amendment | |
149 | Nay | X | 13-May | H R 10 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Roukema of New Jersey amendment |
150 | Yea | X | 13-May | H R 10 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Metcalf of Washington amendment |
151 | Nay | 13-May | H R 10 | On Passage | P | Financial Services Competition Act | |
152 | Nay | 14-May | ADJOURN | On Motion to Adjourn | F | ||
153 | Nay | 14-May | MOTION | On motion to table | P | ||
154 | Yea | 14-May | H R 2431 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Hastings of Florida amendment | |
155 | Yea | 14-May | H R 2431 | On Passage | P | Freedom from Religious Persecution Act | |
156 | Nay | X | 19-May | H R 3534 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Moakley of Massachusetts Amendment, As Modified |
157 | Nay | X | 19-May | H R 3534 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Waxman of California Amendment |
158 | Nay | X | 19-May | H R 3534 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Boehlert of New York Amendment |
159 | Nay | X | 19-May | H R 3534 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Becerra of California Amendment |
160 | Yea | X | 19-May | H R 3534 | On Passage | P | Mandates Information Act |
161 | Yea | 19-May | H RES 440 | Suspend the rules and agree | P | Sense of the Congress Concerning the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight | |
162 | Yea | 19-May | H R 3039 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Veterans Transitional Housing Opportunities Act | |
163 | Yea | 19-May | H R 3718 | Suspend the rules and pass | P | Limit the Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts with Respect to Prison Release Orders | |
164 | Nay | X | 19-May | H R 3809 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Drug Free Borders Act of 1998 |
165 | Yea | X | 20-May | H RES 441 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the further consideration of H.R. 3616 |
166 | Yea | X | 20-May | H RES 441 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the further consideration of H.R. 3616 |
167 | Yea | 20-May | H R 3616 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Spence of South Carolina amendment | |
168 | Yea | 20-May | H R 3616 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Bereuter of Nebraska amendment | |
169 | Yea | 20-May | H R 3616 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Hefley of Colorado amendment | |
170 | Yea | 20-May | H R 3616 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Hunter of California amendment | |
171 | Nay | X | 20-May | H R 3616 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Lowey of New York Amendment |
172 | Yea | 20-May | H R 3616 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Gilman of New York Amendment | |
173 | Yea | X | 20-May | H R 3616 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Hefley of Colorado Amendment |
174 | Yea | 20-May | H R 2400 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | Building Efficient Surface Transportation and Equity Act | |
175 | Yea | 21-May | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
176 | Yea | X | 21-May | H RES 432 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Expressing the Sense of the House Concerning the Presidents Assertions of Executive Privilege |
177 | Yea | 21-May | H RES 433 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Calling upon the President to Cooperate with Congressional Investigations | |
178 | Yea | 21-May | H R 3616 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Thornberry of Texas Amendment | |
179 | Nay | X | 21-May | H R 3616 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Reyes (TX) Substitute to Traficant (OH) Amendment |
180 | Yea | X | 21-May | H R 3616 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Traficant of Ohio Amendment |
181 | Yea | 21-May | H R 3616 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Gilman of New York amendment | |
182 | Yea | X | 21-May | H R 3616 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | National Defense Authorization for Fiscal Year 1999 |
183 | Yea | 21-May | H R 3616 | On Passage | P | National Defense Authorization for Fiscal Year 1999 | |
184 | Nay | 21-May | H R 2400 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | F | Building Efficient Surface Transportation and Equity Act | |
185 | Present | X | 21-May | H R 2400 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | F | Building Efficient Surface Transportation and Equity Act |
186 | Nay | 21-May | H RES 442 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for consideration of H.J. Res. 119 and H.R. 2183, Campaign Finance Reform. | |
187 | Nay | 22-May | ADJOURN | On Motion to Adjourn | F | ||
188 | Nay | 22-May | H RES 446 | On Agreeing to the Resolution As Amended | F | Disposing of the Conference Report to Accompany S. 1150 | |
189 | Yea | 22-May | H R 2676 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to restructure and reform the Internal Revenue Service | |
190 | Yea | 22-May | H RES 449 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving points of order against the conference report on H.R. 2400 | |
191 | Yea | 22-May | H R 2400 | Recommit Conference Report With Instructions | F | Building Efficient Surface Transportation and Equity Act | |
192 | Yea | 22-May | H R 2400 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Building Efficient Surface Transportation and Equity Act | |
193 | Yea | 3-Jun | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
194 | Yea | 3-Jun | H R 3808 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Designating the Carl D. Pursell Post Office | |
195 | Yea | 3-Jun | H R 3630 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Designating the Steven Schiff Post Office | |
196 | Yea | X | 4-Jun | H RES 453 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.J.Res. 78; Religious Freedom Constitutional Amendment |
197 | Yea | 4-Jun | H R 3433 | On Passage | P | Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Act | |
198 | Nay | 4-Jun | H J RES 78 | On Agreeing to Part 1 of the amendment | F | Bishop of Georgia Amendment | |
199 | Nay | 4-Jun | H J RES 78 | On agreeing to Part 2 of the amendment | F | Bishop of Georgia Amendment | |
200 | Nay | X | 4-Jun | H J RES 78 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Religious Freedom Constitutional Amendment |
201 | Yea | X | 4-Jun | H J RES 78 | On Passage | F | Religious Freedom Constitutional Amendment |
202 | Yea | X | 4-Jun | H CON RES 285 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Sense of Congress Regarding Tiananmen Square |
203 | Yea | 4-Jun | S 1150 | On Consideration of the Conference Report | P | Agricultural Research, Extension, and Education Reform Act | |
204 | Yea | 4-Jun | S 1150 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Agricultural Research, Extension, and Education Reform Act | |
205 | Nay | 4-Jun | H RES 455 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.Con.Res. 284; Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year 1999 | |
206 | Nay | 5-Jun | H R 3989 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | User Fee Act | |
207 | Nay | 5-Jun | H R 3989 | On Passage | F | User Fee Act | |
208 | Nay | 5-Jun | H CON RES 284 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Neumann of Wisconsin Amendment | |
209 | Nay | X | 5-Jun | H CON RES 284 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Spratt of South Carolina Amendment |
210 | Nay | 5-Jun | H CON RES 284 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year 1999 | |
211 | Yea | 9-Jun | H R 2709 | On Agreeing to the Senate Amendments | P | Iran Missile Proliferation Sanctions Act | |
212 | Yea | 9-Jun | H RES 417 | Suspend the rules and agree, as amended | P | Importance of Fathers in Raising their Children | |
213 | Yea | 9-Jun | H RES 447 | Suspend the rules and agree, as amended | P | Financial Management by Federal Agencies | |
214 | Yea | 9-Jun | H R 1635 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom Act | |
215 | Yea | 9-Jun | H CON RES 270 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended | P | U.S. Support for Taiwan | |
216 | Yea | X | 10-Jun | H RES 462 | On Consideration of the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 3150, Bankruptcy Reform Act |
217 | Yea | X | 10-Jun | H RES 462 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 3150, Bankruptcy Reform Act |
218 | Yea | X | 10-Jun | H RES 462 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 3150, Bankruptcy Reform Act |
219 | Nay | X | 10-Jun | H R 3150 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Nadler of New York Amendment |
220 | Nay | X | 10-Jun | H R 3150 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Delahunt of Massachusetts Amendment |
221 | Nay | 10-Jun | H R 3150 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Gekas of Pennsylvania Amendment | |
222 | Nay | X | 10-Jun | H R 3150 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Scott of Virginia Amendment |
223 | Nay | X | 10-Jun | H R 3150 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Nadler of New York substitute amendment |
224 | Nay | X | 10-Jun | H R 3150 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Bankruptcy Reform Act |
225 | Yea | X | 10-Jun | H R 3150 | On Passage | P | Bankruptcy Reform Act |
226 | Nay | 11-Jun | H J RES 119 | On Passage | F | Constitutional Amendment to Permit Limits on Campaign Spending | |
227 | Yea | 11-Jun | H R 2888 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Owens of New York amendment | |
228 | Yea | X | 11-Jun | H R 2888 | On Passage | P | Sales Incentive Compensation Act |
229 | Yea | 11-Jun | H R 3494 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Sherman of California amendment | |
230 | Yea | 11-Jun | H R 3494 | On Passage | P | Child Protection and Sexual Predator Punishment Act | |
231 | Yea | 11-Jun | H RES 466 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Condemning the brutal killing of Mr. James Byrd, Jr. | |
232 | Yea | 16-Jun | H R 1847 | Suspend the Rules and Agree to Senate Amendment | P | Telemarketing Fraud Prevention Act | |
233 | Yea | 16-Jun | H RES 401 | Suspend the rules and agree, as amended | P | Expressing the Sense of the House of Representatives concerning promotions in American Schools | |
234 | Yea | X | 17-Jun | H RES 472 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 3097; Tax Code Termination Act |
235 | Yea | X | 17-Jun | H RES 472 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 3097; Tax Code Termination Act |
236 | Nay | 17-Jun | H RES 471 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving points of order against the conference report to accompany H.R. 2646; Education Savings Act | |
237 | Present | 17-Jun | QUORUM | Call of the House | P | ||
238 | Nay | X | 17-Jun | H R 3097 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Tax Code Termination Act |
239 | Yea | X | 17-Jun | H R 3097 | On Passage | P | Tax Code Termination Act |
240 | Present | 17-Jun | QUORUM | Call in Committee | P | ||
241 | Yea | X | 17-Jun | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | White of Washington Substitute Amendment |
242 | Nay | X | 18-Jun | H R 2646 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Education Savings Act for Public and Private Schools |
243 | Nay | 18-Jun | H R 2646 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Education Savings Act for Public and Private Schools | |
244 | Nay | 18-Jun | H RES 476 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for consideration of H.Res. 463; To establish the Select Committee on U.S. National Security regarding the Peoples Republic of China | |
245 | Yea | 18-Jun | H RES 463 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Establish the Select Committee on U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns With the Peoples Republic of China | |
246 | Nay | 18-Jun | H RES 458 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the further consideration of H.R. 2183 | |
247 | Nay | 18-Jun | H RES 458 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the further consideration of H.R. 2183 | |
248 | Nay | 19-Jun | H RES 477 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 4059; Military Construction Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 | |
249 | Yea | X | 19-Jun | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Thomas (CA) Amendment to Shays Substitute |
250 | Yea | 19-Jun | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Maloney of New York Amendment to Shays Substitute | |
251 | Yea | 19-Jun | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Gillmor (Oh) Amendment to Shays Substitute | |
252 | Yea | X | 22-Jun | H R 4060 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Foley of Florida Amendment |
253 | Yea | 22-Jun | H R 4060 | On Passage | P | Energy and Water Development Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 | |
254 | Yea | 22-Jun | H R 4059 | On Passage | P | Military Construction Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 | |
255 | Yea | 22-Jun | H CON RES 288 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Money Laundering Associated with Mexican Financial Institutions | |
256 | Yea | 22-Jun | H RES 452 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Sense of the House of Representatives Concerning Increase in Postage Rates | |
257 | Yea | 23-Jun | H R 3853 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Drug-Free Workplace Act | |
258 | Nay | 23-Jun | H R 4101 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Neumann of Wisconsin Amendment | |
259 | Nay | X | 23-Jun | H R 4101 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Bass of New Hampshire Amendment |
260 | Yea | X | 24-Jun | H R 4101 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Coburn of Oklahoma Amendment |
261 | Nay | 24-Jun | H R 4101 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Miller of Florida Amendment | |
262 | Nay | 24-Jun | H R 4101 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Royce of California Amendment | |
263 | Nay | X | 24-Jun | H R 4101 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Bass of New Hampshire Amendment |
264 | Yea | 24-Jun | H R 4101 | On Passage | P | Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1999 | |
265 | Nay | 24-Jun | H RES 484 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 4103; Defense Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 | |
266 | Yea | 24-Jun | H R 4103 | On Passage | P | Defense Appropriations Act for F.Y. 1999 | |
267 | Nay | 25-Jun | H RES 491 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of an adjournment resolution | |
268 | Nay | 25-Jun | H RES 485 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | F | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 4104; Treasury-Postal Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 | |
269 | Nay | 25-Jun | H RES 489 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 4112; Legislative Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 | |
270 | Nay | 25-Jun | H RES 489 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 4112; Legislative Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 | |
271 | Yea | 25-Jun | H R 4112 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Legislative Branch Appropriations, FY 1999 | |
272 | Nay | 25-Jun | H R 4112 | On Passage | P | Legislative Branch Appropriations, FY 1999 | |
273 | Yea | 25-Jun | H R 2676 | On Motion to Recommit the Conference Report | F | to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to restructure and reform the Internal Revenue Service | |
274 | Yea | 25-Jun | H R 2676 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to restructure and reform the Internal Revenue Service | |
275 | Yea | X | 14-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Doolittle (CA) as modified to Shays Substitute |
276 | Yea | X | 14-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Fossella (NY) Amendment to Shays Substitute |
277 | Yea | X | 15-Jul | H RES 499 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 3682, Child Custody Protection Act |
278 | Yea | X | 15-Jul | H RES 499 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 3682, Child Custody Protection Act |
279 | Nay | X | 15-Jul | H R 3682 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Child Custody Protection Act |
280 | Yea | X | 15-Jul | H R 3682 | On Passage | P | Child Custody Protection Act |
281 | Yea | 15-Jul | H R 3267 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Miller of California Substitute amendment | |
282 | Nay | 15-Jul | H R 3267 | On Passage | P | Sonny Bono Memorial Salton Sea Reclamation Act | |
283 | Yea | X | 15-Jul | H RES 498 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 4101; Treasury, Postal Service Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 |
284 | Yea | X | 15-Jul | H RES 498 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 4101; Treasury, Postal Service Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 |
285 | Nay | 16-Jul | H RES 501 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 4194, VA, HUD Approriations, FY 99 | |
286 | Nay | X | 16-Jul | H R 4104 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Schumer of New York amendment |
287 | Yea | 16-Jul | H R 4104 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Maloney of New York amendment | |
288 | Nay | X | 16-Jul | H R 4104 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | DeLauro of Connecticut Amendment |
289 | Nay | 16-Jul | H R 4104 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Hefner of North Carolina Amendment | |
290 | Nay | X | 16-Jul | H R 4104 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Lowey of New York Amendment |
291 | Nay | 16-Jul | H R 4104 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Sanders of Vermont Amendment | |
292 | Yea | X | 16-Jul | H R 4104 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Smith of New Jersey amendment |
293 | Nay | 16-Jul | H R 4104 | On Passage | P | Treasury, Postal Service Appropriations, FY 1999 | |
294 | Yea | 16-Jul | H R 3731 | On Passage | P | Steve Schiff Auditorium Designation | |
295 | Yea | 17-Jul | H R 4194 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Stokes of Ohio Amendments (en bloc) | |
296 | Nay | 17-Jul | H R 4194 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Lazio of New York Amendment | |
297 | Yea | 20-Jul | H R 3874 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Amendments of 1998 | |
298 | Yea | 20-Jul | H CON RES 208 | Suspend the rules and agree | P | Expressing the Sense of the Congress Regarding Access to Affordable Housing and Expansion of Homeownership Opportunities | |
299 | Yea | 20-Jul | H RES 392 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended | P | Relating to the Importance of Japanese-American Relations | |
300 | Yea | 20-Jul | H CON RES 301 | Suspend the rules and agree | P | Affirming the United States Commitment to Taiwan | |
301 | Yea | 20-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Wicker of Mississippi to Shays Substitute | |
302 | Yea | X | 20-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Stearns of Florida to Shays Substitute |
303 | Yea | 20-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Pickering of Mississippi (as modified) to Shays Substitute | |
304 | Yea | 20-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | DeLay of Texas Amendment to Shays Substitute | |
305 | Yea | 20-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | McInnis (CO) Amendment to Shays (CT) Substitute | |
306 | Nay | 20-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Paxon (NY) Amendment to Shays (CT) Substitute | |
307 | Nay | 20-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Hefley (CO) Amendment to Shays (CT) Substitute | |
308 | Yea | X | 20-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Northup (KY) Amendment to Shays (CT) Substitute |
309 | No Vote | 21-Jul | ADJOURN | On Motion to Adjourn | F | ||
310 | Nay | 21-Jul | H RES 504 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 4193; Interior Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 | |
311 | Nay | 21-Jul | H RES 504 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 4193; Interior Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 | |
312 | Yea | 21-Jul | H R 4193 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Johnson of Connecticut Amendment | |
313 | Yea | 21-Jul | H R 4193 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Skaggs of Colorado Amendment | |
314 | Yea | 21-Jul | H R 4193 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Sanders of Vermont amendment | |
315 | Nay | X | 21-Jul | H R 4193 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | McGovern of Massachusetts amendment |
316 | Present | 22-Jul | QUORUM | Call of the House | P | ||
317 | Nay | 22-Jul | H J RES 121 | On Passage | F | To Disapprove Most-Favored-Nation Treatment to China | |
318 | Yea | 22-Jul | H R 1689 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Securities Litigation Uniform Standards Act | |
319 | Yea | X | 22-Jul | H R 4193 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Parker of Mississippi Amendment |
320 | Nay | X | 22-Jul | H R 4193 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Miller of California Amendment |
321 | Yea | X | 23-Jul | H R 1122 | Motion to Discharge the Committee | P | Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act |
322 | Yea | 23-Jul | H R 3616 | Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | National Defense Authorization for Fiscal Year 1999 | |
323 | Yea | 23-Jul | H R 3616 | Closing Portions of the Conference | P | National Defense Authorization for Fiscal Year 1999 | |
324 | Present | 23-Jul | QUORUM | Call of the House | P | ||
325 | Yea | X | 23-Jul | H R 1122 | Passage, Objections of the President Notwithstanding | P | Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act |
326 | Yea | X | 23-Jul | H R 4193 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | DeFazio of Oregon amendment |
327 | Nay | X | 23-Jul | H R 4193 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | McDermott of Washington Amendment |
328 | Nay | X | 23-Jul | H R 4193 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Hinchey of New York Amendment |
329 | Nay | X | 23-Jul | H R 4193 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Miller of California Amendment |
330 | Nay | 23-Jul | H R 4193 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Pappas of New Jersey Amendment | |
331 | Nay | 23-Jul | H R 4193 | On Passage | P | Interior Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 | |
332 | Nay | X | 23-Jul | H R 4194 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Obey of Wisconsin Amendment |
333 | Present | 23-Jul | QUORUM | Call in Committee | P | ||
334 | Nay | X | 23-Jul | H R 4194 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Waxman of California Amendment |
335 | Nay | 24-Jul | H RES 509 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 4250; Patient Protection Act | |
336 | Yea | 24-Jul | H R 4250 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Dingell of Michigan Substitute Amendment | |
337 | Nay | 24-Jul | H R 4250 | On Motion to Table the Appeal of the Ruling of the Chair | P | Patient Protection Act | |
338 | Yea | 24-Jul | H R 4250 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Patient Protection Act | |
339 | Nay | 24-Jul | H R 4250 | On Passage | P | Patient Protection Act | |
340 | Yea | 27-Jul | H CON RES 311 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Honoring the memory of Detective John Gibson and Private First Class Jacob Chestnut of the United States Capitol Police | |
341 | Present | 28-Jul | QUORUM | Call of the House | P | ||
342 | Yea | 28-Jul | ADJOURN | On Motion to Adjourn | P | ||
343 | Yea | X | 29-Jul | H RES 511 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving points of order against the conference report on H.R. 629 |
344 | Yea | 29-Jul | H R 629 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact | |
345 | Yea | X | 29-Jul | H R 4194 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Roemer of Indiana Amendment |
346 | Nay | 29-Jul | H R 4194 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Hinchey of New York Amendment | |
347 | Yea | X | 29-Jul | H R 4194 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Hilleary of Tennessee amendment |
348 | Present | 29-Jul | QUORUM | Call in Committee | P | ||
349 | Yea | X | 29-Jul | H R 4194 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Riggs of California Amendment |
350 | Yea | 29-Jul | H R 4194 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Coburn of Oklahoma Amendment | |
351 | Nay | X | 29-Jul | H R 4194 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | VA-HUD Appropriations Act for FY 1999 |
352 | Nay | 29-Jul | H R 4194 | On Passage | P | VA-HUD Appropriations Act for FY 1999 | |
353 | Yea | 29-Jul | H R 4059 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Military Construction Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 | |
354 | Present | 29-Jul | QUORUM | Call of the House | P | ||
355 | Yea | 30-Jul | H R 4328 | On Passage | P | Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 1999 | |
356 | Nay | 30-Jul | H J RES 120 | On Passage | F | Disapproval of Presidential Waiver for Vietnam | |
357 | Nay | 30-Jul | H RES 507 | On agreeing to the resolution, as amended | P | Providing special investigative authority for the Committee on Education and the Workforce | |
358 | Nay | 30-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Goodlatte (VA) Amendment to Shays (CT) Substitute | |
359 | Nay | 30-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Wicker of Mississippi to Shays Substitute | |
360 | Nay | 30-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Calvert of California to Shays Substitute | |
361 | Yea | 30-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Smith of Washington to Shays Substitute | |
362 | Nay | 30-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Rohrabacher of California to Shays Substitute | |
363 | Nay | 30-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Paul of Texas to Shays Substitute | |
364 | Nay | 30-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Paul of Texas to Shays Substitute | |
365 | Yea | X | 30-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | DeLay of Texas to Shays Substitute |
366 | Nay | 30-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Peterson (PA) to Shays (CT) Substitute | |
367 | Nay | 31-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Barr (GA) Amendment to Shays (CT) Substitute | |
368 | Nay | 31-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | McIntosh of Indiana to Shays Substitute | |
369 | Nay | 31-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Horn of California to Shays Substitute | |
370 | Yea | X | 31-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Shaw of Florida to Shays Substitute |
371 | Nay | X | 31-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Kaptur of Ohio (as modified) to Shays Substitute |
372 | Yea | 31-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Stearns of Florida to Shays Substitute | |
373 | Yea | 31-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Stearns of Florida to Shays Substitute | |
374 | Nay | 31-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Whitfield of Kentucky to Shays Substitute | |
375 | Yea | X | 31-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Whitfield of Kentucky to Shays Substitute |
376 | Yea | X | 31-Jul | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | English of Pennsylvania to Shays Substitute |
377 | Yea | 3-Aug | H R 3743 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Concerning the Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant in Iran | |
378 | Yea | 3-Aug | S J RES 54 | Suspend the rules and pass | P | Finding the Government of Iraq in Unacceptable and Material Breach of its International Obligations | |
379 | Nay | X | 3-Aug | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment, as amended | A | Shays of Connecticut Substitute Amendment, as Amended |
380 | Yea | 4-Aug | H CON RES 213 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended | P | Sense of Congress that the European Union in Unfairly Restricting the Importation of U.S. Agricultural Products | |
381 | Yea | 4-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Mollohan of West Virginia Amendment | |
382 | Yea | 4-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Skaggs of Colorado Amendment, as amended | |
383 | Nay | 4-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Souder of Indiana Amendment | |
384 | Yea | X | 4-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Bass of New Hampshire Amendment |
385 | Yea | 4-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Scott of Virginia Amendment | |
386 | Nay | 4-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Gutknecht of Minnesota Amendment | |
387 | Nay | X | 4-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | DeGette of Colorado Amendment |
388 | Yea | 5-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Mollohan of West Virginia Amendment | |
389 | Nay | X | 5-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Pallone of New Jersey Amendment |
390 | Nay | X | 5-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Engel of New York Amendment |
391 | Yea | X | 5-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Royce of California Amendment |
392 | Nay | 5-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Bartlett of Maryland Amendment | |
393 | Nay | 5-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Talent of Missouri Amendment | |
394 | Yea | X | 5-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Stearns of Florida Amendment |
395 | Yea | X | 5-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Callahan of Alabama Amendment |
396 | Yea | 5-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Conyers of Michigan Amendment | |
397 | Nay | 5-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Hutchinson of Arkansas Amendment | |
398 | Yea | X | 5-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Hefley of Colorado Amendment |
399 | Yea | 5-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Kolbe of Arizona Amendment | |
400 | Yea | X | 5-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | McIntosh of Indiana Amendment |
401 | Yea | 5-Aug | H R 4276 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Kucinich of Ohio Amendment | |
402 | Nay | 6-Aug | H R 4276 | On Passage | P | Commerce, Justice, State, Judiciary Appropriations, FY 1999 | |
403 | Nay | 6-Aug | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Doolittle of California Substitute Amendment | |
404 | Nay | 6-Aug | H R 2183 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Hutchinson of Arkansas Substitute Amendment | |
405 | Nay | X | 6-Aug | H R 2183 | On Passage | P | Campaign Finance Reform |
406 | Nay | 6-Aug | H RES 517 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 4380, District of Columbia Appropriations for FY 1999 | |
407 | Nay | X | 6-Aug | H R 4380 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Norton of the District of Columbia Amendment |
408 | Nay | X | 6-Aug | H R 4380 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Norton of the District of Columbia Amendment |
409 | Yea | 6-Aug | H R 4380 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Norton of the District of Columbia Amendment | |
410 | Nay | 6-Aug | H R 4380 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Norton of the District of Columbia Amendment | |
411 | Nay | 6-Aug | H R 4380 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Armey of Texas Amendment | |
412 | Yea | X | 7-Aug | H R 4380 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Tiahrt of Kansas Amendment |
413 | Yea | 7-Aug | H R 4380 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Moran of Virginia Amendment, as Modified | |
414 | Yea | X | 7-Aug | H R 4380 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Largent of Oklahoma Amendment |
415 | Yea | X | 7-Aug | H R 4380 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Bilbray of California Amendment |
416 | Nay | 7-Aug | H R 4380 | On Passage | P | District of Columbia Appropriations for FY 1999 | |
417 | Yea | 9-Sep | H R 678 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Thomas Edison Sesquicentennial Commemorative Coin Act | |
418 | Yea | 9-Sep | H R 1560 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Lewis and Clark Expedition Bicentennial Commemorative Coin Act | |
419 | Yea | 9-Sep | H RES 459 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended | P | Commemorating 50 Years of Relations Between the United States and the Republic of Korea | |
420 | Yea | 10-Sep | H R 2863 | On Passage | P | Migratory Bird Treaty Reform Act | |
421 | Nay | 10-Sep | H R 2538 | On Passage | P | Guadalupe-Hidalgo Treaty Land Claims of 1998 | |
422 | Yea | 10-Sep | H R 3892 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Martinez (CA) to the Riggs (CA) Amendment | |
423 | Yea | X | 10-Sep | H R 3892 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Riggs of California Amendment |
424 | Yea | X | 10-Sep | H R 3892 | On Passage | P | English Language Fluency Act |
425 | Yea | 11-Sep | H RES 525 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for a deliberative review by the Committee on the Judiciary of a communication from an independent counsel, and for the release thereof | |
426 | Yea | 14-Sep | S 2206 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Community Opportunities, Accountability, and Training and Educational Services Act | |
427 | Yea | 14-Sep | H CON RES 304 | Suspend the rules and agree | P | Expressing the Sense of Congress Regarding War Crimes in the former Yugoslavia | |
428 | Yea | 14-Sep | H CON RES 254 | Suspend the rules and agree, as amended | P | Calling on the Government of Cuba to Extradite to the U.S. convicted felon Joanne Chesimard | |
429 | Yea | 14-Sep | H CON RES 185 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended | P | 50th Anniversary of the Signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights | |
430 | Yea | 15-Sep | H R 4101 | Previous question on motion to instruct conferees | P | Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1999 | |
431 | Yea | 15-Sep | H R 4103 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | Defense Appropriations Act for F.Y. 1999 | |
432 | Yea | 15-Sep | H R 4103 | Motion to close portions of the conference | P | Defense Appropriations Act for F.Y. 1999 | |
433 | Nay | X | 15-Sep | H R 4328 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 1999 |
434 | Yea | 15-Sep | H R 4194 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | VA-HUD Appropriations Act for FY 1999 | |
435 | Yea | 15-Sep | H J RES 117 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Expressing the Sense of Congress that Marijuana is a Dangerous and Addictive Drug and Should not be Legalized for Medicinal Use | |
436 | Yea | X | 15-Sep | S 2073 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Juvenile Crime Control and Delinquency Prevention Act |
437 | Yea | 15-Sep | H R 4382 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Mammography Quality Standards Reauthorization | |
438 | Yea | 16-Sep | H R 4300 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | McCollum of Florida Amendment | |
439 | Nay | X | 16-Sep | H R 4300 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Reyes (TX) Amendment, as Modified, to Traficant (OH) Amendment |
440 | Yea | X | 16-Sep | H R 4300 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Traficant of Ohio Amendment |
441 | Nay | 16-Sep | H R 4300 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Waters of California Amendment | |
442 | Yea | 16-Sep | H R 4300 | On Passage | P | Western Hemisphere Drug Elimination Act | |
443 | Nay | 16-Sep | H R 4550 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Taylor of Mississippi Amendment | |
444 | Yea | 16-Sep | H R 4550 | On Passage | P | Drug Demand Reduction Act | |
445 | Yea | 17-Sep | H J RES 128 | On Passage | P | Making continuing appropriations for F.Y. 1999 | |
446 | Yea | X | 17-Sep | H RES 542 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 4569; Foreign Operations Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 |
447 | Yea | 17-Sep | H R 4569 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Porter of Illinois Amendment | |
448 | Yea | 17-Sep | H R 4569 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Kennedy (MA) Substitute to Torres Amendment | |
449 | Yea | X | 17-Sep | H R 4569 | On Passage | P | Foreign Operations Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 |
450 | Yea | 18-Sep | H R 3248 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Mink of Hawaii Amendment | |
451 | Yea | 18-Sep | H R 3248 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Martinez of California Amendment | |
452 | Nay | 18-Sep | H R 3248 | On Passage | P | To Provide Dollars to the Classroom | |
453 | Yea | 23-Sep | H RES 545 | On Motion to Table the Resolution | P | Impeachment of Kenneth W. Starr | |
454 | Yea | 23-Sep | H RES 144 | Suspend the Rules and Agree, as amended | P | Bicentennial of the Lewis and Clark Expedition | |
455 | Yea | 23-Sep | H RES 505 | Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Diplomatic Relations with Pacific Island Nations | |
456 | Yea | 23-Sep | H CON RES 315 | Suspend the Rules and Agree, as amended | P | Condemn Serbian Atrocities in Kosovo | |
457 | Yea | 24-Sep | H R 4112 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Legislative Branch Appropriations, FY 1999 | |
458 | Yea | 24-Sep | H R 3616 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | National Defense Authorization for Fiscal Year 1999 | |
459 | Nay | X | 24-Sep | H R 3736 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Watt of North Carolina Substitute Amendment |
460 | Nay | X | 24-Sep | H R 3736 | On Passage | P | Workforce Improvement and Protection Act |
461 | Nay | 25-Sep | H RES 552 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 4578 and H.R. 4579 | |
462 | Nay | 25-Sep | H RES 552 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 4578 and H.R. 4579 | |
463 | Yea | 25-Sep | H R 4578 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Rangel of New York Substitute Amendment | |
464 | Nay | 25-Sep | H R 4578 | On Passage | P | Protect Social Security Account | |
465 | Nay | 25-Sep | H RES 553 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Providing for the consideration of H.R. 2621 | |
466 | Nay | 25-Sep | H R 2621 | On Passage | F | Reciprocal Trade Agreement Authorities Act | |
467 | Yea | 26-Sep | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
468 | Yea | 26-Sep | H R 4579 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Rangel of New York Substitute Amendment | |
469 | Nay | 26-Sep | H R 4579 | On Passage | P | Taxpayer Relief Act | |
470 | Yea | X | 28-Sep | H R 3891 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | F | Trademark Anticounterfeiting Act |
471 | Yea | 28-Sep | H R 4103 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Defense Appropriations Act for F.Y. 1999 | |
472 | Yea | 28-Sep | H R 4060 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Energy and Water Development Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 | |
473 | Yea | 28-Sep | H R 3150 | On Motion to Instruct Conferees | P | Bankruptcy Reform Act | |
474 | Yea | 1-Oct | S 2073 | On Motion to Go to Conference | P | Juvenile Crime Control and Delinquency Prevention Act | |
475 | Nay | 1-Oct | H RES 563 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | F | Waiving points of order against the conference report on H.R. 4104 | |
476 | Nay | 2-Oct | H RES 564 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 4274; Labor, Health, and Human Services Appropriations for F.Y. 1999 | |
477 | Yea | 2-Oct | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
478 | Yea | 2-Oct | H R 4101 | Recommit the Conference Report with Instructions | F | Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1999 | |
479 | Yea | 2-Oct | H R 4101 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1999 | |
480 | Yea | X | 5-Oct | H R 4614 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | F | New Hampshire Land Conveyance |
481 | Yea | 5-Oct | H R 1154 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | F | Indian Federal Recognition Administrative Procedures Act of 1997 | |
482 | Yea | 5-Oct | H R 4655 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Establishing a Program to Support a Transition to Democracy in Iraq | |
483 | Yea | 6-Oct | H R 4194 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | VA-HUD Appropriations Act for FY 1999 | |
484 | Nay | 6-Oct | H RES 575 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving a requirement of clause 4(b) of rule XI with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committtee on Rules | |
485 | Nay | X | 6-Oct | H R 4259 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | F | Cummings of Maryland Substitute Amendment |
486 | Nay | 7-Oct | H R 3694 | Recommit Conference Report with Instructions | F | FY 1999 Intelligence Authorization | |
487 | Yea | 7-Oct | H R 3694 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | FY 1999 Intelligence Authorization | |
488 | Nay | 7-Oct | H RES 573 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 4570; Omnibus National Parks and Public Lands Act | |
489 | Nay | 7-Oct | H R 4570 | On Passage | F | Omnibus National Parks and Public Lands Act | |
490 | Nay | 7-Oct | H RES 579 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving points of order against the conference report on H.R. 4104 | |
491 | Yea | 7-Oct | H R 4616 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Designating the Corporal Harold Gomez Post Office | |
492 | Yea | 7-Oct | H R 2348 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Designating the Mervyn Dymally Post Office Building | |
493 | Nay | X | 7-Oct | H R 4104 | Recommit Conference Report with Instructions | F | Treasury, Postal Service, Independent Agencies Appropriations, FY 1999 |
494 | Nay | 7-Oct | H R 4104 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Treasury, Postal Service, Independent Agencies Appropriations, FY 1999 | |
495 | Yea | 8-Oct | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
496 | Present | 8-Oct | QUORUM | Call of the House | P | ||
497 | Yea | 8-Oct | H RES 581 | On Motion to Recommit with Instructions | F | Authorizing and directing the Committee on the Judiciary to investigate whether sufficient grounds exist for the impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton, President of the United States | |
498 | Yea | X | 8-Oct | H RES 581 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Authorizing and directing the Committee on the Judiciary to investigate whether sufficient grounds exist for the impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton, President of the United States |
499 | Nay | 8-Oct | ADJOURN | On Motion to Adjourn | F | ||
500 | Nay | 8-Oct | H RES 584 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Further providing for the consideration of H.R. 4274 | |
501 | Nay | 8-Oct | H RES 584 | table motion to reconsider | P | Further providing for the consideration of H.R. 4274 | |
502 | Yea | X | 8-Oct | H RES 584 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Further providing for the consideration of H.R. 4274 |
503 | Yea | X | 8-Oct | H RES 584 | table motion to reconsider | P | Further providing for the consideration of H.R. 4274 |
504 | Yea | X | 8-Oct | H R 4274 | On Agreeing to the Amendment | A | Istook Substitute Amendment to Greenwood Amendment |
505 | Nay | X | 9-Oct | H R 3150 | Recommit Conference Report with Instructions | F | Bankruptcy Reform Act |
506 | Yea | X | 9-Oct | H R 3150 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Bankruptcy Reform Act |
507 | Yea | 9-Oct | H RES 565 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Expressing the Sense of the House of Representatives Regarding the Importance of Mammograms and Biopsies in the Fight Against Breast Cancer | |
508 | Yea | X | 9-Oct | H CON RES 331 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | F | Expressing the sense of Congress Concerning the Inadequacy of Sewage Infrastructute Facilities in Tijuana, Mexico |
509 | Yea | 9-Oct | H RES 557 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Expressing Support for U.S. Government Efforts to Identify Holocaust-Era Assets | |
510 | Yea | 9-Oct | H R 3874 | Suspend the rules and agree to Conference Report | P | Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Amendments of 1998 | |
511 | Yea | 9-Oct | H J RES 133 | On Passage | P | Further Continuing Approriations, FY 1999 | |
512 | Nay | 10-Oct | MOTION | Table appeal from ruling of the chair | P | ||
513 | Nay | 10-Oct | H RES 589 | On Ordering the Previous Question | P | Waiving a requirement of clause 4(b) of rule XI with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules | |
514 | Yea | X | 10-Oct | H RES 588 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for consideration of H.R. 4761; Uruguay Round Agreements Compliance Act |
515 | Yea | 10-Oct | H RES 592 | Suspend the rules and agree | P | Concurrence by the House with amendments in the Senate Amendment to H.R. 4110; Veterans Benefits Improvement Act | |
516 | Yea | 10-Oct | H R 4567 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Medicare Home Health Care and Veterans Health Care Improvement Act | |
517 | Yea | 10-Oct | H CON RES 334 | Suspend the rules and agree | P | Taiwan World Health Organization | |
518 | Yea | 10-Oct | H CON RES 320 | Suspend the rules and agree, as amended | P | Supporting the Baltic People of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania | |
519 | Yea | 10-Oct | H R 2616 | Suspend the Rules and Agree to the Senate Amendment | P | Charter Schools | |
520 | Yea | X | 10-Oct | S 852 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | National Salvage Motor Vehicle Consumer Protection Act |
521 | Yea | 12-Oct | H R 3494 | Suspend the rules and agree to Senate amendments | P | Child Protection and Sexual Predator Punishment Act | |
522 | Nay | 12-Oct | H CON RES 350 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | F | Calling Upon the President to Respond to the Significant Increase of Steel Imports | |
523 | Nay | 12-Oct | S 2095 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | F | National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Establishment Act | |
524 | Yea | 13-Oct | H RES 494 | Suspend the rules and agree | P | Expressing the Sense of the House of Representatives that the U.S. has enjoyed the loyalty of the U.S. citizens of Guam | |
525 | Yea | 13-Oct | S 1364 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Federal Reports Elimination Act of 1998 | |
526 | Yea | 13-Oct | H R 4756 | Suspend the rules and pass, as amended | P | Year 2000 Preparedness Act of 1998 | |
527 | Yea | 13-Oct | S 1754 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | P | Health Professions Education Partnerships Act | |
528 | Yea | 13-Oct | S 1260 | Suspend the Rules and Agree to Conference Report | P | Securities Litigation Uniform Standards Act | |
529 | Yea | 13-Oct | S 1722 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Womens Health Research and Prevention Amendments | |
530 | Nay | 14-Oct | H R 3963 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended | F | Sell Canyon Ferry Reservoir Cabins | |
531 | Yea | 14-Oct | H R 559 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | Add Bronchiolo-Alveolar Carcinoma to Service-Connected Diseases | |
532 | Yea | 15-Oct | H RES 598 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree | P | Steel Imports | |
533 | Yea | 15-Oct | S 1733 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | P | To require the Commissioner of Social Security and Food Stamp Agencies to take certain actions to ensure that food stamp coupons are not issued for deceased individuals | |
534 | Nay | 15-Oct | S 2133 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | F | To preserve the cultural resources of the Route 66 corridor | |
535 | Nay | 15-Oct | S 1132 | On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass | F | Bandelier National Monument Administrative Improvement and Watershed Protection Act | |
536 | Nay | X | 20-Oct | H RES 605 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Waiving points of order against the Conference Report to accompany H.R. 4328 |
537 | Nay | 20-Oct | H RES 604 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Providing for the consideration of S. 1132 and S. 2133 | |
538 | Nay | X | 20-Oct | H R 4328 | On Agreeing to the Conference Report | P | Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 1999 |
539 | Yea | 17-Dec | H RES 612 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Supporting United States Troops in the Persian Gulf | |
540 | Yea | 18-Dec | ADJOURN | On Motion to Adjourn | F | ||
541 | Nay | 19-Dec | JOURNAL | On Approving the Journal | P | ||
542 | Nay | 19-Dec | MOTION | Table appeal from ruling of the chair | P | ||
543 | Nay | 19-Dec | H RES 611 | Adopting the First Article | A | ||
544 | Nay | 19-Dec | H RES 611 | Adopting the Second Article | F | ||
545 | Nay | 19-Dec | H RES 611 | Adopting the Third Article | A | ||
546 | Nay | 19-Dec | H RES 611 | Adopting the Fourth Article | F | ||
547 | Nay | 19-Dec | H RES 614 | On Agreeing to the Resolution | P | Appointment of Managers |
319 Yea, 211 Nay, 14 Present, 3 No Vote (0.55 %)
155 votes (28.34 %) not with majority of D-party.